Friday, 16 January 2009

Brav Gede is a bad, naughty man.

Or, "Lies Make Baby Ti-Mazaka Cry"

Except that they don't; they make him giggle.

For the last two nights running I've had dreams involving the Loa. Wednesday night it was Badagris, and last night Brav Gede turned up with some sage words for the fet in which I'm participating on Sunday afternoon. At one point he gave me a vision of a piece of French pastry engineering with feathers and decorations that looked like part of a costume from Moulin Rouge and tried to persuade me that his brother Gede Fatras "likes girlie stuff. All fussy cakes." No, Brav, he doesn't. He really doesn't. Monsieur Gede, j'accuse. Later on he laughed uproariously and gave me instructions for a wanga to do with my house, but when I woke up I couldn't for the life of me remember it.

Incidentally, am I the only one who thinks there's a distinct physical resemblance between Brav Gede and the comedian Chris Rock? Its those intense, burning eyes and the slightly screwed-up facial expressions. And of course, Chris Rock could read out his grocery list and it would be funny. Something about his voice just creases me up.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

The obligatory Gede pun.

Oshun is in my drawers.

No, seriously. I'm having a Gede Fatras-style clearout of all the old random crap in my house, merrily tossing things into black binbags (or as merrily as Fatras ever gets, anyway), and I'm starting with the chest of drawers in my bedroom. Honestly, why did I ever think I'd need a million and a half shampoo bottles from hotel rooms? To say nothing of the bits and pieces from Christmas stockings past that have been languishing unused for many years. I have, however, found in my explorations a rather nice red velvet evening scarf that I'd forgotten I owned. Result!

To return to my original subject, I like to put a big piece of wrapping paper in the bottom of the drawers and sprinkle it with perfume before packing it full once more. Last time had a clearout I used Rose Croix by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. This time I'm using Oshun, by Conjure Oils.

Mmm. Pumpkinny.