Thursday, 20 November 2008

Insanely catchy Vodou music

I was googling for information on the Loa Mambo Dayila the other day, and instead came across the website of a fabulous Haitian lady based in New York who, with her band The Nago Nation, writes and sings songs for the Loa.

Her name's Manze Dayila, and she's well named. She seems to sum up for me what Dayila is all about - not the prostitute part, obviously, but that of a beautiful and artistic woman who does anything necessary to survive. She refugeed from Haiti on a leaking boat when she was a heavily pregnant 19 year old, and is now firmly entrenched in New York's music scene. She's not only gorgeous, talented and with huge force of will, but she also busks on the subway while dressed as Gede, fighting off rappers who try to steal her stereo. How cool is that?

You can listen to or buy her debut album "Sole" (I think that means "Freedom" in Creole) on CD Baby. Here's the link: I particularly love "Change: the Barack Obama Song".

Her MySpace page is here:

I'd also like to add that I'm incredibly covetous of that lovely red dress covered in golden veves she's wearing on the cover of the CD and on the MySpace page. What can I say... when you serve either Freda or Dayila it all comes down to fashion in the end.

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