Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Top Ten, Vodou style.

You know you're a child of the Gede when…

10. You can swear in three languages, and know obscene hand gestures in at least two more.

9. You consider hot peppers as one of the four food groups…

8. And you describe Nando's extra-hot chicken marinade as "pleasantly tangy".

7. You don’t know a single clean joke.

6. You would probably sell your soul for a hand-tailored suit.

5. You actually have sold your soul for a hand-tailored suit.

4. During Night of the Living Dead you were rooting for the zombies.

3. At Halloween, you've run up to someone dressed as an undertaker with your arms outstretched, squealing "Daddy!!!"*

2. No matter how old you get, hearing about other people's explosive diarrhoea is still funny.

1. Your bar tab is the size of the national debt.

With apologies to David Letterman.

* Yes, I actually have done this.

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